Number: Ref: 11/2023

Subject: NCTS – P5 

Who should read: All those involved in Transit Procedures and in the submission of Transit Declarations

Related Notification: eCustoms Notification 38-2022

Issued by: eCustoms Helpdesk

Issue Date: 04th April 2023

1. Introduction

As part of the Union Customs Code (UCC) Work Programme, Revenue is replacing our existing New
Computerised Transit System Phase 4 (NCTS-P4). Our plan was to deploy NCTS-P5 into live on 21
August 2023 eCustoms Helpdesk Notification 38-2022 provides full details on same.

2. Update

Our development of the NCTS-P5 functionality is based on systems specifications agreed at EU level.
In early 2023 changes to those EU specifications were agreed and we received an updated systems
specifications package. These requested changes primarily impact internal messages between
Revenue, the EU Commission, and other Member States. There are also changes that impact some
trader messages.

In order to give sufficient time for Revenue to incorporate all of these changes into our new system
and to provide software houses with sufficient time to develop their product in line with the
updated specifications, a decision has been made to defer our go live date. NCTS-P5 will now go live
in Ireland on 25 September 2023.

We will maintain the two-month migration window to facilitate trade in the move from NCTS-P4 to
NCTS-P5. The new dates are as follows:

  • NCTS-P5 go-live and start of Trader Migration Period – 25 September 2023
  • End of Trader Migration Period – 24 November 2023

Revenue has updated the suite of trader specifications to incorporate these EU mandated changes.
For ease of reference, the updated documents display the changes made. In addition, to the
specifications, a new NCTS-P5 Trader Guide is now included in the suite of documents.

There are also printing guidelines for the T(-S) AD and T(-S)Lol, for both during and after the
Transitional Period. These Guidelines for printing AccDoc and Lol are published on our website.
Public Interface Testing (PIT) for NCTS will be open to software developers by 24 April 2023. We will
notify you of its availability closer to the time.

3. Further InformationAll queries in relation to this notification please email: