How to amend Customs Declarations in AEP from 09/2023

Number: Ref: 21/2023
Subject: How to amend import and export declarations in AEP (Automated Entry Processing) from 4 September 2023
Who should read: All those involved in submitting import and export declarations
Related Notification: N/A
Issued by: eCustoms Helpdesk
Queries to:
Issue Date: 30 August 2023

The AEP system is now closed. It is no longer possible to lodge import and export declarations in AEP. Import and export declarations should now be lodged in the Automated Import System (AIS) and Automated Export System (AES) respectively.

From 4 September 2023 you cannot make amendments electronically to import or export entries lodged in AEP.

Under the Union Customs Code (UCC) legislation, amendments to import and export declarations are allowed for 3 years after the declaration has been accepted. To facilitate this, Revenue have provided a manual procedure to amend these AEP entries.

How to amend AEP import and export declarations from 4 September:

  • The declarant should complete an amendment request form
    o Appendix 1 – Import amendment request, or
    o Appendix 2 – Export amendment request.
  • The amendment request form should be submitted via MyEnquiries in myAccount or Revenue Online Service (ROS).
  • In MyEnquiries,
    o click on “Add New Enquiry”
    o Under “My Enquiry relates to” select “Customs Declarations” and
    o Under “And More Specifically” select the category “Customs Refunds/Corrections”.

The information must include the MRN of the declaration to allow Revenue to identify the relevant declaration and to direct the request to the correct office.

  • The declarant should include in the MyEnquiries request, the supporting documentation and legal basis for the amendment (where a possible refund is due). Information on the legal basis is
    available at Appendix 3.
  • Revenue will inform the declarant of the outcome of the review using MyEnquiries.
    o Where the amendment request results in a refund, Revenue will issue the refund into the payer’s TAN account for any tax and duty paid on the original declaration.
    o Where there is additional duty owed as a result of the amendment, this amount will be notified, and the amount will be automatically deducted from the trader’s C&E TAN account.

If you have amendments to AEP import or export declarations, you should do them now to avoid having to use the manual procedure.

You can read the complete notification and Appendix information here.